Fathers Incorporated partners with Cbabi Bayoc

Fathers Incorporated partners with Cbabi Bayoc celebrating ‘FatherhoodIsBrotherhood’ this Father’s Day
ATLANTA (June 1, 2021)— In celebration of Father’s Day, Atlanta-based nonprofit, Fathers Incorporated has partnered with internationally-known visual artist and illustrator, Cbabi (pronounced Kuh-bob-bi) Bayoc in original artwork depicting Black fatherhood for their “FatherhoodIsBrotherhood” initiative. The unveiling includes a virtual fireside chat with the artist on June 2nd at 2pm EST with a livestream on Facebook and YouTube. Billboards within metro Atlanta will begin a rotation of these original illustrations the week leading up to Father’s Day.
“FatherhoodIsBrotherhood’, led by Fathers Incorporated in partnership through an Office of Family Assistance (HHS) grant received to provide Responsible Fatherhood Services in Metro Atlanta helps fathers through a coordinated case management process and wrap-around services tailored to help address any obstacles that fathers and their families face on their journeys to attaining and maintaining healthy parental and partner relationships.
This campaign is necessary to help advance the conversation of responsible fatherhood and positively impact the societal narrative of black fathers.
Kenneth Braswell
In college, Bayoc studied at an HBCU, Grambling and pursued a career as an illustrator. His first notable client was Rap Pages magazine. This would eventually lead him to be introduced to Prince through a nonprofit art exhibition, a beneficiary of the late singer.
Prince became a collector of Bayoc’s original paintings and eventually decided to use one of his purchases, “Reine Keis Quintet” as the cover art for the Grammy award-winning Icon’s 23rd album, The Rainbow Children. Another project that brings Bayoc great pride is his 2012 internet-based project, 365 Days With Dad. With this project, Cbabi took 767 days to create 365 acrylic paintings depicting black fathers and their child(ren).

365 Days
Cbabi Bayoc
What started as a self-inspired project quickly became a commissioned-based one as families requested to be a part of the series. It was through this venture that Cbabi and Kenneth crossed paths for the first time. Cbabi’s subjects include family, children, music and a bunch of other cool stuff designed with line, bold color and “phunk”!
The “FatherhoodIsBrotherhood” campaign target fathers living in underserved areas who are aged 18-40 with children ages 24 and under who reside in Metro Atlanta counties: Fulton County, DeKalb County, Gwinnett County, Cobb County, Clayton County, Henry County, and Rockdale County.
The campaign can be seen through billboard placements, Marta Bus posters, special posters in partner barbershops, and throughout Fathers Incorporated’s social media platforms.