Daddy, There is a Noise Outside

An Engaging Story of Unrest in Community


You can download our book's Parent and Teacher Guide for free. This guide book serves as a platform to help our children undrstand what it means to stand up for something they believe.

  • “Truth-telling can be painful! Fathers not in the lives of their children can leave an indelible mark of loss on the mind, the heart and the soul of a child! That mark too often does not lay quiet and dormant but often erupts especially in our boys as anger and posturing for acceptance and affirmation. Spit’in Anger is powerful truth-telling about the challenges and opportunities confronting us in healing our children and ultimately in healing our community.”
  • “Spit’in Anger is one of the first documentaries that tackles the real rage our black boys feel because of being abandoned by their fathers . But by helping these boys to tell their stories, they have now found the freedom to be happy and leave open a door to their emotionally damaged fathers who in truth were abandoned by their fathers.”
    Dr. Jeffrey Gardere
    America’s Psychologist Assistant Professor, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • I remember as a kid not really knowing my father. When I finally did meet him, I couldn’t understand why this guy who looked like me, walked and talked like me, didn’t want me.
    Jamie Hector
    “Marlo” | HBO Series The Wire
  • Spit’in Anger is a heart-wrenching look at the emotional pain - and yes, anger - that a child feels when his father is alive but absent. Anyone who cares about the human condition can’t help but be moved by the words, images and facts this powerful documentary presents. If this doesn’t lead us to do all we can to find solutions, I’m not sure what will.
    Chris Broussard
    ESPN Reporter and President of The K.I.N.G. Movement
  • Delores Klyvert
    I loved this book from page one. The story and the illustrations are attention getters. It is so nice to be able to buy a book for my grand kids that resemble us, and the topic is so needed.
    Delores Klyvert
  • Kenneth Braswell’s Daddy Can I Cry? hits home for children of all ages. The story inspires youth, especially African American males, to grieve without anger, aggression or shame. Considering the increasing rates of suicide, homicide, and violence involving youth, Daddy Can I Cry? is right on time!
    Dr. Bisa Batten Lewis
    President, Black Child Development Institute (BCDI)-Atlanta
  • Daddy Can I Cry? addresses one of the pressing issues of our time – encouraging boys and men to express their emotions when coping with trauma and loss. Author, Kenneth Braswell, courageously tackles a taboo subject in masculinity and transforms what it means to be a “real man.” Daddy Can I Cry? should be required reading for every young boy in the United States.
    Sidney Hankerson, MD, MBA
    Co-Director, Columbia University Wellness Center Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Columbia University, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • During my era, crying or showing emotions was considered a sign of weakness—but it’s actually a sign of being huMAN. ‘Daddy Can I Cry?’ gives them permission to be courageously transparent. If we are going to cultivate a generation of comprehensive men, we must create safe spaces for our boys to express their emotions and release trauma.
    Jason Wilson
    Author, “Cry Like A Man” Director, The Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy
  • This book is an essential resource for black families and teachers working with black children to help them help youngsters process trauma and loss which occur all too frequently in our communities. Another added feature of the book is giving boys permission to express their feelings freely thereby promoting emotional health in men early in their development.
    Annelle B. Primm, M.D., MPH
    Community Psychiatrist and Convener, All Healers Mental Health Alliance
  • This book addresses the needs of the often silent victims of violence, children, in a holistic manner by creating the space for their grief and healing. An essential read for fostering healthy relationships and building strong communities.
    Dr. Artika R. Tyner
    Author, Civil Rights Attorney, Founding Director of the Center on Race, Leadership and Social Justice (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
  • So many hearts could be healed by this sweet tale of a loving dad making peace with the absence of his own father. Beautifully written and illustrated, “Daddy’s Family Tree” is a poignant story that needs to be shared with children everywhere, especially those struggling with the legacy of fatherlessness.
    Emily Abt
    Director of “Daddy Don’t Go
  • In his third installment of children’s books; Daddy’s Family Tree, Kenneth Braswell continues to encourage a broader and healing conversation between parents and their children. Congratulations to Kenneth for advancing one of the hardest and most important topics in America; Fatherlessness.
    Jeffrey Gardere, Ph.D.
    America’s Psychologist Assistant Professor, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Kenneth Braswell reminds us of this desperate need, and brings to the forefront simple ways to incorporate this understanding into our lives. Statistics are provided along with suggestions in how to overcome them. This is a tremendous help for every family, as well as for every single-parent household struggling to overcome.
    Darleen Wohlfeil
    Story Monsters Ink magazine
  • Daddy There’s a Noise Outside” shows children and parents how they, too, can change the world. This book spotlights the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other young leaders who have peacefully and successfully addressed urgent challenges like segregation and civic apathy. Every child, black or white, should read this book! Kudos to Braswell and his son for making this powerful contribution to today’s youth!
    Tavis Smiley
    Author, commentator and host of the Tavis Smiley Show.
  • This is a simple yet effective children's story that tackles protest and unrest in a community. It's a book that's necessary today, considering the disruption many of our communities are facing. Braswell encourages conversation between guardians and children about these situations, and the positive change protest can bring.
    Terrie M. Williams
    Advocate for change and empowerment.
  • Daddy There's A Noise Outside" is profound, unique, and necessary in these times of change. Kenneth Braswell poiniently captures the pulse of the black home.
    Che “Rhymefest” Smith
    Oscar and Grammy award winning songwriter; also featured in “In My Father’s House” Documentary
  • Masterfully illustrated and well presented! “Daddy, There’s a Noise Outside,” is an effective reading resource for families to initiate or continue critical and timely conversations with children regarding social justice.
    Stephen Powell
    Chief Program Officer, National CARES Mentoring Movement
  • Daddy There's A Noise Outside" is a simple and eloquently written book which signifies today's times within our communities. Kenneth has captured the natural curiosity of children, and meshed it with the responsibility of parenthood in a profound way.
    Omar Epps
  • l love what Kenneth Braswell did with this book. It reminds me of the household I grew up in. My father was a union delegate and community activist who always exposed us to the plight of others that were in some sort of struggle, be it political, religious, racial or economic and preached to us about our role in making a positive difference. ' Daddy There's A Noise Outside' is a perfect starter kit for parents who want to plant those activist seeds in their children.
    Malik Yoba
  • Enter Mr. Braswell. In a simple, lively, positive and well-illustrated narrative, his "Daddy There's A Noise Outside," enables parents to initiate conversations with their children and grandchildren about the protest movements of today. In the end, this will help their children decipher their roles and build upon the legacy of their predecessors. The struggle continues and "Daddy There's A Noise Outside" can be a big part of it for your children and grandchildren.
    Dr. Ronald B. Mincy
    Professor; Columbia University